If it's one fete I have to go to, is Poison's band launch, and no matter how I cuss them this time, Wendel and he boys seem to have come correct so I give Jack he jacket and give Jean she drawers.
The venue was a 100% improvement over the last time and so was the decision to have it on a Friday although I almost didnt make it as it was such a nice day and I celebrated by having a liquid lunch that continued way until evening. You done know we don't have it nice up here in terms of weather so when the time come, it needs to be abused!
I was waiting to see all the costumes at the launch and after my rich diet of boss looking taster costumes, I must admit that Poison had to come really strong to keep me on my tiptoes and to keep me interested. This time round, they chose the theme That's Amore. Love in ordinary parlance to me and you. I liked the theme, its simple but still sassy.
The first section was Black Magic. I have seen many a silver and black costume this season but I think this one is one of the better designed ones, especially with the white towering headpiece. The belt and bra are a bit ordinary and underwhelming but the combined effect is sexy understatedness. You might be asking, how does Black Magic fit into the theme of love? I guess it must be some kind of Melda-Oh Sparrowesque Obeah Love but they should have just called it that, no? Model rocked the hell out of the costume.
Desire was next, and I was thrown a bit with this one and this is what happens when people order costumes without deciding on a theme. I do not get the idea of blue with desire unless they talking about some kinda "blueballs" syndrome- this should have been a flaming red or orange costume! The Indian inspired headresses I am not so sure about how it fits in as well. This costume is aight. Just aight. Not enough feathers for a feather whore like me!
First of all apologies for the pics. Wendel why the pics an dem so small? People want to salivate over the costumes. That's when you rely on friends with a camera and they don't have batteries! Anyways me likey this one! Its called Jungle Fever. It has a huge headpiece tick, the green allows it to fit into the theme, the male costume looks like something people would step in, and the overall effect says well embellished. It kind of looks like a Spice bootleg but I am not a Carnival purist so I give it a big pass. My favourite of the lot!

This one was called Erotica. This is probably the least erotic Erotica I have ever seen as there is nothing erotica or teasing on show... this is the most conservative bikini mas costume I have seen in a while. I was making up my mind on whether I liked it- I certainly like the tutu effect, then I had a Eureka moment- I realised that it is perfect for covering up the effects of non exercise and diet, ie perfect for me. I like white for the road in blistering sunshine and I think the love theme with the backpack and the headpiece is a good attempt at interpretation. Kudos to the designer. However the effect is more a Queen of Hearts than Erotica (unless the corset and tutu are backless?) Not a bad try but much better than last year.
I fell in love with this costume. (Better pics soon come!) It was called Tempest and for those of us who have not played in pink before this is a good chance to get lucky as the shade is rich and the headpiece is sizeable.
Poison is offering, as usual, an all inclusive experience on the road, with continental breakfast, goodie bags, matching costume jewellery for the costumes, snacks, PAs with soca artists and a whole host of things. So far so good! I am already heating up, getting ready for Wet Fete. Costumes range from 125-150 squid!
Tomorrow review of Busspepper Fete over the weekend.
All pictures from Poison UK website Their rights are reserved).