To you...

This blog is for all the full time lovers of mas, kaiso, pan and soca. Its for all of you who hear soca in your dreams, who get excited at the first snip of braid and sequins, who get serious Carnival tabanca at the first beat of a soca, and who understand the meaning of "fete to fete" and "all night till morning!, who could pick up a bottle and some spoons and make sweet music in a riddim section, who could laugh at the satire of beautiful kaiso music and bawl out- oh lash, lyrics fuh so, who appreciate a corn soup and polouri an some bake an shark after a boss for all of we... all of us!

Monday, 22 March 2010

Sweet like Burrokeet?

10 years ago if you were talking about Mas, you would hear about two big names- Cocoyea (we soon come!) and Burrokeets. Burrokeets was formed approximately 20 years ago and is among one of the hard hitters for Notting Hill Carnival.

I have had limited exposure to this band- but they are certainly among one of the top choices for masqueraders. Their theme last year was Amazonia and consisted of three sections- Tribe (gold), Rainforest (Green) and Iguazu Falls (White). The costumes sold out as they were very good value for money (£85.00)- the headpieces were a reasonable size, and the conceptualisations were non generic. I did not find it the best in terms of costume design (y'all dissed it real stink on TCD, oh lord all yuh wicked!) but they at least tried to come up with some original concepts. And I actually think the costumes looked good on the road- much better than the prototypes.

I can't fault or knock them for that especially when most bands buy costumes from Trinidad or from China. Not everybody could be a Paul or a Sonia Mack. In terms of cost to benefit ratio I thought it was a good buy cause you know that these young and up and coming designers are working with very little support.

They have a working and operating website and persons wishing to visit the MasCamp are encouraged to visit in person. Some of the highlights of Burrokeets is that Jewels de Carnaval has its own private section within the band with a determinedly Trini style atmosphere. The Soca Prince in the UK Martin Jay (one of the top DJs) is always on the road with the Keets so you are guaranteed to get hit after hit. Another added benefit is the £15 T-shirt and mud section for Carnival Monday if you are a masquerader. Dey ehn soff at all!

If I had to compare Burrokeets to a TNT Band I would say Legacy or Trini Revellers. Very authentic Carnival feel, people out to fete with no behaviour and a long long tradition meaning that people of all generations and nationalities are out on the road to get on bad. The Young Burrokeets have also added a fresh flavour to the band- the ladies looked sexy on the road on Carnival Monday and there were a mix of good strong back men. The band also has a Tshirt section which is very well patronised every year and they hire a lot of security so your road experience will be great. Last year they mash up "Trinidad Corner :)

They will be holding their launch at the Black Grape soon soon so look out for a review coming up!!!

(All photographs belong to Young Burrokeets UK... all their rights are reserved)


  1. We dissed that first costume which was a rip off of Brazilian Macaw... and a bad one at that! I see nothing original in wholesale copying a costume from Trinidad, it was even the same colour scheme! :)

  2. Point taken that it wasn't that original in terms of concept. But I think imitation is the sincerest form of flattery :) and I give them points for trying. :)

  3. lol keep dissing Young Burrokeets will keep chipping down de road (Palance and all!):0

  4. Is a sad day, when people feel they have to diss a group of positive productive group of young people to feel good about themselves.

  5. I'm confused? There's no dissing here at all, a fair point about the costume and its similarities, and nothing wrong with a little critism, it just makes the band stronger if they listen to peoples views and improve yourselves....
