To you...

This blog is for all the full time lovers of mas, kaiso, pan and soca. Its for all of you who hear soca in your dreams, who get excited at the first snip of braid and sequins, who get serious Carnival tabanca at the first beat of a soca, and who understand the meaning of "fete to fete" and "all night till morning!, who could pick up a bottle and some spoons and make sweet music in a riddim section, who could laugh at the satire of beautiful kaiso music and bawl out- oh lash, lyrics fuh so, who appreciate a corn soup and polouri an some bake an shark after a boss for all of we... all of us!

Tuesday, 6 April 2010


Well ah had to log in today to say ah well vex!

I am sure all yuh hear how the Notting Hill Board was dissolved and resurrected because of bad organisation and planning an all de works. Well personally it look like de mas bands an ting are not in a much better state. Ah mean, Carnival coming, no surprise, is not like if yuh have to guess de date, and NO information from some major mas bands as to the launch. I had promised to post some pics of a band launch today but as of tonight- the info has not been forthcoming. Ah kinda vex cause I was promised this very faithfully. The way it looking I can't go nowhere and depend on nobody nah :(

I will be down at the next few but oh gorm, man doh have to put deyself out ah de way to play mas! We are the customers, you should be glad to give us information. I wanted to put out a lil agenda an ting and some MAJOR bands saying they will check back wid me when they launching. Jeezum Bread.

Good news is that I will defo be at Bachanal Mas launch and will be hitting you live and direct with pics asap and also expect a review of Busspepper's fete on Saturday :) Me mouth REAL bad so if that dj play the same tunes again in de same order I will find out he name and DEAL with him.

This week lots more information on kaiso and pan while we wait for some of the bandits bands to get their act together.


  1. well the main issue is alot of bands dont take carnival and mas as seriously here as they should!
    Websites are an easy way to put out info, and some simple ones are free these days, but yet still no info!
    all i can say is check ours for info we update monthly

    what happen to the pics from Flagz Launch? i hear there was some madness at the launch or sutting?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. our entry is £8.00 but if you email me at with your name i will add you to the guest list esp as your doing a review! :-)

  4. Ok I will email you then sir!!! Cant wait. New Blog Posts later.
